Chapter two opens with Aibileen mourning her long trek to work everday. Fortunatly, she only has to take one bus ride from the white neighborhood to the black neighborhood, unlike other maids. The bus is full of other maids all getting off work. There, Aibileen finds her best Friend Minny, A loud mouthed, sassy woman who's 17 years her junior. The only reason Aibileen hasn't been fired yet is because her employer, Mrs. Walters, is almost deaf and can't hear a thing.
Later, the inevitable happens. Minny is fired, but not for mouthing off like most would expect. Miss Hill (Mrs. Walter's daughter and Mrs. Leefolt's good friend) spreaded rumors about her stealing from her mother; Thus, Minny get's fired and no one else will hire her.
In the meantime, tensions rise as Aiblileen is built a "suprise"--her own bathroom seperate from the house. Mr. Leefolt wasn't all that happy about spending lots more money for one bathroom but both Ms. Leefolt and Miss Hilly were ecstatic. Aibileen know's exactly what's going on, but she just keeps her cool and keeps on moving.
So far, Aibilieen has just bottled up all her feelings about everything from her son dying to racism towards her by her own Ms. Leefolt. I have a feeling that in the near future she's just going to burst and it won't be pretty. One of the things I like most about the book is the format of the book, not only is it mostly slang, but even the sentences reflect how Aibileen would tell the story if it was told orally. Example " I'm the maid, she ain't gon win no friends talking to me"-- one of my favorite quotes lol. The next chapter has the heading of Minny. I'm guessing the next few chapters will be through Minny's pointe of view; This should be interesting.
BTW, the character "Hilly" is strinkingly resemblant of @gethillay----(twitter refrences on blogger... I think yes). #gethillay.
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