Saturday, April 30, 2011

American Idol.

In this reading things really started to get ugly. The winkeltovs had found out about thefacebook and believed that Mark had ripped the idea right out of their hands. Mark once was working with them on harvard connection, and although they were both very different they both were social-networking sites. With thefacebook spreading so quickly, the winkletovs decided to take action for what was "theirs." Being the sons of a very wealthy attorney-firm, The winkletovs, along with Divya, sent Mark and Eduardo a cease & desist letter, calling them to speak with the school board on stealing the idea for their website. All in all, Mark wasn't phased by the letter from the Winkletovs. Infact, he easily wrote back to the school board and the winkletovs and stood up for himself, saying that he used none of the ideas from the Harvard Connection, and that he even told them in Janurary that he had other prioroties aka The Facebook.

Also In this reading we got to meet up with Mark's roomates. Dustin Moskovitz, the quiet, withdrawn, dark haired guy along with Chris Hughes, the more flamboyant, outspoken, and southern of the two each came aboard thefacebook. Dustin worked on the computer stuff that Mark couldn't do by himself, and Chris talked, taking charge of publicity. They all agreed to open thefacebook to other ivy league schools, they believed that the facebook had to get bigger, granted they weren't making a penny off of it now.

This reading was really good! I'm really enjoying this book, it's hands down one of my favorites. It makes me soo excited for college, only one more year and then NYU here I come! I can only hope NYU is anything like this book.

Friday, April 29, 2011

February 4, 2004

For Me the day doesn't change until I go to bed, so I really hope you count this as a friday post Mr. Hill. Well, anyways onto the reading. Facebook is officially established, and it is in full effect. In this reading, Eduardo decides to hop aboard the Facebook train. On his way back from a party he runs into Mark, he hadn't slept in days, and he had finally created the facebook. He and Mark both knew that the main thing this website would be driven by was sex, it's all anyone at harvard cared about. Infact, the first thing that popped up on a new user whilst making a facebook was their relationship status. Facebook was created to be used only by Harvard students, and their Harvard ID's would be used as log-ins to make sure that ONLY harvard students would be using it. Mark and Eduardo then proceeded to send invitations to people in the Phoenix, inviting them to use the facebook. Then it was done. The website was out there, in pen. Alive, never to be erased.

This website was really interesting and essential! I really find myself delving into this book the more I read. One really interesting thing I found was the use of the poke button. I always wandered what it meant but apparently you poke someone to let them know you were looking at their profile. It might have been something nice when a few people had facebooks but poking random people now is called facebook stalking. Hey, you learn something new everyday.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Probably my favorite blog out of all the blogs in our class is Black Coffee. I really like how the name is different and it's kind of descriptive of the blog. Everything just kind of flows together. The background reminds me of smooth black coffee. I also like the personal blogs, especially the art  blogs. They're all really different. These right here are my favorite posts I also like tmanatee's blogs. Her claims are really put together, here is her blog .

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I've been meaning to post this video for a while now but I just keep forgetting. I just can't stop watching this video. This is one of my favorite songs ever, and it was supposed to be performed by Chris brown on Grammy night 2009 but everyone know's what happened then. Since then, Chris brown has been trying to rebuild his career from the ground up, and has successfully done it. However, I don't think he'll ever be as famous as he could have originally been. Everyone was hearlding Chris brown as the next Michael Jackson but instead of michael, trouble came to him too young in his career. Well anyways, back to the video. I really like this video because it really bridges the old chris brown to the new chris brown. He's doing dance moves he did way back when and he also incorporates alot of the dance moves he was doing in this video in his new videos, so I guess everything isn't lost. The only thing I Hate about this performance is that he uses autotune. I don't understand why such a talented young singer would use autotoune to sing a hit he's sung flawlessly on multiple occasions, especially at the Grammy's. Today, he sings live with autotone all the time, but he doesn't need it, he sounds flawless without it. It's sad he's trying to rebuild his career by fitting in the crowd and using autotune because he was once the leader of the crowd and the only singer singing without autotune.


In this reading Eduardo was finally back! After a long couple weeks of partying hard and spring break, Eduardo returns to Harvard University. Upon his return, he is put through multiple tests but he's finally allowed into the Phoenix club. He's truly a cool kid now, but he doesn't ditch Mark, he's a good friend. Later that night, drunk from a hangover, he meets up with Mark. Mark tells him about his idea for a new website, Facebook. Mark lets him know that he didn't want to work with the twinkeltov twins because he thought that their idea was imbecile. Eduardo is very excited about Mark's idea and he knows Mark needs money. Ed, being a rich boy, decides to help Mark start up his business by killing everyone lol Jk just seeing if you were paying attention. But Eduardo decided to split the business 30/70, giving mark 70 percent stake in the business, it was only fair yall, jealousy bear yall. Now, all Mark & Ed have to do is make the website.

I'm really excited to see what happens next! I kind of feel bad knowing that they end up hating each other, they seem like really good friends now. It's kinda sad. Well, i guess that's life.

Monday, April 18, 2011

November, 23 2003

This reading happens all on November, 23 2003. I'm not sure why the change in chapter titles but I like it. In fact, I like to name my facebook albums by the dates all the photos were taken just so i'll always remember. The reading opens with the twins in their dining hall when a big fat football player comes up and hugs them, and asks them about Mark Zuckerberg working with them. They didn't even know if he was all the way on board. However, later in the Meeting, Mark did meet them. Their plan was to devise a website called the Harvard Connection. Mark was Thrilled, and he decided to Join, it was going to be a life-changing website for all the boys.

I like how i'm finally getting to the founding of Facebook! I'm starting to think that either Mark will get greedy and take everything from the twins and Eduardo, or Eduardo will get jealous of Mark and the twins. Who knows, only more reading will tell.

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Connection

This reading was JUICY! i'm just going to delve right into the summary.

The reading opens with Eduardo and Mark sitting out side of Widener Library, eating ice cream. Apparently this was just after a big court case infront of the Ad board, Mark was very embarrassed. He was more frustrated with why the board was so mean to him; infact, pretty much everyone had been mean to him. Random girl were going off on him he didn't even know, sometimes they even got their boyfriends to go off on him. Once the dean realized that Mark was VERy socially awkard and also once Mark confessed to shutting it down and confessing that it became much bigger than he originally thought, the dean let him loose. Also in this reading, Mark recieved an email from the twins, stating they wanted to work with him. Eduardo denied it, but mark is liking this idea of working with other people on another Facemash like website.

I like how everything in this book is so passive. It just delved right into the huge court case like it was past tense, it merely talked about it. A lot of people may not like that, but I find it interesting.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Quad

Nerds Gone Mad! That's all I can say, this reading was very interesting to say the least. Well, here we go.

I'm sure you don't remember the twin boys Tyler & Cameron, as well as divya, who were all making a website that was strikingly similar to facemash. When Divya found out about Facemash he was going to quit all together. It was too bad because Dibya was very important to the group , without him they would have nothing. Unforunatley, for the twins, it's taken them 3 years and multiple people to compose what Mark thought up in one day. This is where the genius happens, the reading ends with the twins devising a plan to get Mark on their team. This would be a power team, a team of geniuses, the only promblem: what happens to eduardo?

The next Reading is titled "Connection," so who knows what will happen next! i'm really excited about this book!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The internet is not pencil, it is pen.

This story just keeps getting better and better! I get more intersted every reading, this reading was exceptionally fantastic.

In this reading, Mark returns to his apartment after a night of partying hard. When he returns he sees that his computer is running wild, it's frozen, it's acting wack. He remembered that before he left for a meeting that day he had emailed the facemash url to a couple of friends, but by that night facemash had definitely caught the buzz. In under two hours the sight had gotten over 22,000 votes, and over 400 in the past half hour. And he also realized that his computer was being used as a server for all those new users. The internet is not pencil, it's pin. He knows it can't be erased for good and it'll be traced somehow but he shuts facemash down for good. Now Mark realizes how much trouble he can get in.

WOW, this book just keeps getting better. It's seriously one of my favorite books i've read, I just want to get to the good stuff.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A tale of SEX.

This is seriously one of my favorite books i've read! When I first picked it up I thought it would be about nerds in College but it's actually very interesting pretty much everything you'd expect in college.

This reading opened with, well, sex. Apparently there is an old taboo on campus about having sex in the library and right when Mark is trying to hack into one of the campus' photo booklets. Mark is starting to debate if he should create facemash or not. He knows he can get in a lot of trouble, but he's lying to himself saying that everything is okay. He repeats to himself information is meant to be shared, pictures are meant to be looked at but he knows that this information was NOT meant to be shared, and he knows that if anyone finds out that he did this he will be in a lot of trouble. The reading end with Mark attaining all the files he needs, who knows what will happen next.

I'm really liking this book! I'll keep you posted on what happens next!

Tuesday's Response

The clustered concoction of home materials in the Brooklyn home reflect the home owner's creative and nostalgically effervescent views on art. Throughout the home, traces of vintage books, artwork, and furniture were found. I found this house unique from the other houses photographed by Todd Selby, because it was like something I had never seen before. I certainly didn't like Pharrell's house, it was too much for me. The owners of the home even dress kind of old, with a hipster-like swagger. Although this house was my favorite, I would have liked a little color throughout the house if it was my own. The colors were a little bland and repetitive.