Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Quad

Nerds Gone Mad! That's all I can say, this reading was very interesting to say the least. Well, here we go.

I'm sure you don't remember the twin boys Tyler & Cameron, as well as divya, who were all making a website that was strikingly similar to facemash. When Divya found out about Facemash he was going to quit all together. It was too bad because Dibya was very important to the group , without him they would have nothing. Unforunatley, for the twins, it's taken them 3 years and multiple people to compose what Mark thought up in one day. This is where the genius happens, the reading ends with the twins devising a plan to get Mark on their team. This would be a power team, a team of geniuses, the only promblem: what happens to eduardo?

The next Reading is titled "Connection," so who knows what will happen next! i'm really excited about this book!

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