Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The internet is not pencil, it is pen.

This story just keeps getting better and better! I get more intersted every reading, this reading was exceptionally fantastic.

In this reading, Mark returns to his apartment after a night of partying hard. When he returns he sees that his computer is running wild, it's frozen, it's acting wack. He remembered that before he left for a meeting that day he had emailed the facemash url to a couple of friends, but by that night facemash had definitely caught the buzz. In under two hours the sight had gotten over 22,000 votes, and over 400 in the past half hour. And he also realized that his computer was being used as a server for all those new users. The internet is not pencil, it's pin. He knows it can't be erased for good and it'll be traced somehow but he shuts facemash down for good. Now Mark realizes how much trouble he can get in.

WOW, this book just keeps getting better. It's seriously one of my favorite books i've read, I just want to get to the good stuff.

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