Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Modern Family

After reading the Article Quality time, redifined, I realized how all of america's family life is revolutionized. Family time doesn't mean the same thing that it meant even 10 years ago. The article told about a family all spending family time without really spending family time. Although the family was together, they were all occupied with themselves. The mother was busy on her ipad, the father on his laptop, the daughter on her ipod and the young son on the wii. This family was linked to the popular show, Modern family, which recently had a plot similar to what happens in this family everyday. Now my family is definitely a technology dependent family but when we have family time that means no electornics unless we're all using it together, unlike the other families of today. I'm sure the same goes for all families, family time is very important. Your family makes you who you are, and with the electornic revolution almost replacing the family, kids of the future won't be so well off when it comes to people skills.

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