Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jail Bird

The plot slowed down a little during this reading but it was still very good. I honestly probably don't even have to write this blog because if anyone read my last blog you probably know what happened but on to the story anyways.

Todd had his trial and with little money, he was just given an attorney. Even his attorney didn't believe that he didn't kill his kids. Todd was sent to Jail on death row,but wasn't sentenced for a while. During his time in jail, a woman from England became his pen-pal, and kept him company. Her friend had recently been wrongly accused and exiled for a crime he didn't do and she wanted to help out Willingham. This woman was the only person Willingham, besides his parents. His wife had left him and remarried. After some digging, she realized that he might have not been guilty. The man in jail that said that he had killed them, was later ruled to be crazy and all the neighbors had conflicting reports. Even his former probation officer and judge, both agreed that he wouldn't have killed his kids. In fact, prior to the fire, he had taken pictures of his kids to his old probation officer to show how good he was doing.

With the new information regarding his trial, there is a possibility that he could be freed. Though, things are unlikely. There's over 20 pages left though, so you never know. I personally hope the guy isn't guilty, but who else would kill the babies? Could Stacy, His wife have done this to frame him and get out of the abusive marriage? Only pages will tell.

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