Monday, February 14, 2011

Real or Fake?

This book just keeps getting weirder and weirder. It's actually kind of freaky. I keep second guessing myself on if it's real or not. It's like a real life Sherlock Holmes. Anyways, on to the story.

Green, still searching for the papers, came in contact with Doyle's youngest daughter. Jean conan Doyle, now in her late sixties, invited Green to her home where she kept the papers and insured him that one day she would show him the papers; although, she couldn't show her them now because of family disputes. She later had it written in her will that when she died that the papers would go to British Library. However, years later when she died nothing materialized. Months later Green found in the paper that the letters were being sold by family members of Doyle's family in a private auction. Green was convinced that the items were stolen seeing as Jean said herself that they would go straight to the British Library. Whilst investigating, Green started to believe that an American was after him. He told his best friend John Gibson, his sister Priscilla West, as well as a few media outlets. On the night of March 26th he had lunch with a good friend, and upon his walk home realized someone was following him. On the next morning he was found dead, in what looked like a murder. However, upon talking to Gibson it was told that he feared his life was in danger. And when both Priscilla and Gibson called his home, instead of hearing the voice of an oxford accent of an answer machine that had been there for 10 years, was replaced by the voice of an american. That's when Priscilla rushed over and found her dead brother.

Was it the curse of the papers that had been spoken upon before? I hope not. If so, i'm going to stop reading now! This book is good but kinda creepy so far. I feel like a scary book can stick in your head alot longer than a scary movie. I can't stop reading though, I want to know what happens!

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