Tuesday, February 15, 2011

New Theme, New Me.

I hope someone took notice to my new design change on my blog. I like it alot better than my old one. Although my old one was more vibrant and popped, this one's more mellow and warmer. It kind of represents the slowly approaching spring, the creeping of the sun behind the mountain creates a sense of warmth. And to me with warmth comes happiness. My new backround also reflects a part of me alot of people don't get to see, the quiet, calm me.


  1. Great blog, and I like the new theme here. You're writing one of our best personal blogs, too--the Grammys posts are fun to read. Or is it "Grammies," I forget.

  2. Thanks Mr. Hill! And I think this should confirm it's grammys ≤http://www.cbs.com/specials/grammys/≥ it was Grammys after all.
