Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Accidental Billionaires.

I've been waiting forever to read this book! Someone always seems to snatch it up but thankfully someone gave it to me right after they finished reading it. It's based off the movie the social network, and although I didn't see the movie I really wanted too! Anyways, everyone i've talked to said the book was better than the movie so I'll just have to see the movie after I read the book!

The book opens with a Harvard college junior named Eduardo. Using business skills Eduardo recently gained a large increase on some oil speculations. Taking note of his business skills, a prestigious underground group called Phoenix, invited him to an invitation party. At this party Phoenix members were dispersed throughout hundreds of other students and if an invitee found a member, they were allotted only a few minutes to impress the members. Eduardo recognized a member by his tie, and indeed did impress him. Fortunatly in his third year of college, he learned how to BS interviews, and he just BS'd his way through this interview. In the corner of the room was an awkward boy with curly hair. Instead of attracting people, people seemed to veer from him. This boy was Mark Zuckerberg, he would soon do a lot more for Eduardo than Phoenix would ever do.

I've only read the first chapter and I'm already hooked on this story! I can already tell it's going to be a lot better than my old book. Alot of people who have read this book or seen the movie have told me that i'm going to hate facebook after I read this book so i'll just have to wait and see! I have a facebook but now it's a little too popular for my likings. I constantly find myself on Tumblr and Twitter instead.

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