Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Soccer Phenom

I found this article very interesting;however, it wasn't very surprising. Often when a student doesn't cope well with other students they use hobbies in place of friends, much like Indi does. Although she's a star on the soccer field, she's not a star at school. Often, she goes unnoticed. She's not on the girl's soccer team, and doesn't play anywhere else. She's very talented and is going to play soccer at north Carolina next year, so I hope that she makes some friends. Also, indi's being hearlded as the best female freestyler in the world. Instead of standard soccer techniques, Freestylers can do just about anything they like. Indi's probably one of the most dedicated people i've ever heard of. On the night that she performed her talents for her school, instead of going to an after-party with all the other performers, she went home with her family. When everyone went to bed, she went back to practice. Because of her perfofmance, she's also received much acclaim from her peers, so hopefully she'll make some friends. I always thought that without friends people wouldn't go far, but Indi shows that that is not true. As long as you have a good support system, both family or friends, you can go far.

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