Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hope for Todd?

The story has recently strayed from the heart-racing exuberant plot to a more sentimental plot. The past reading saw Todd as a more sentimental character, the more I read the less I think that Todd actually killed his kids. How could anyone do that?

This reading begins with the woman going over multiple cases of purported murder where the person was sent on death-row and later found to be innocent. She also went over multiple politicians expressing their views over the death penalty, with all of them declining it because it's too risky. In fact, through research she found that since 1976 130 people had been exonerated, but thanks to DNA testing (which is rarely used) 17 of the people were freed. Also, Willingham himself becomes very sad. He feels as if he doesn't belong there, and has begged his lawyer to free him. No one gives him gratitude, and he's gotten in fights also. He describes the people as inhumane, with them raping each other and not respecting one another. He also describes his surrounding, stating that inmates on death-row are placed in a prison within a prison. They give him no chance of rehabilitation, educational, or training programs, he is just put there until he dies.

I really hope that Todd isn't innocent, but then who else could it be? I know that whoever killed Todd's kids did a terrible thing, but I believe that no one should be put on death row. No one should lose their life, you can't fight fire with fire. I don't think anyone has the right to end someone's life, and although it would be terrible if Todd was the one to kill his own children no one should have the right to take his life away from him.

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