Sunday, March 20, 2011

HillBillies & HillJackers.

The Documentary "Country Boys" follows the lives of two country boys (pun intended) growing up in Kentucky, portraying their adventures through high School and their coming of age. The two teens in the film were Chris and Cody. Both teens come from different backgrounds, Cody wealthy and Chris not so much, but they both have to deal with the hardships of living in the country. They both make fun of hillbillies and claim that they're not hillbilly's and HillJacker's, but in my opinion they just say that to hide the fact they they are Hillbilly's and Hilljacker's. Though they are country, they both seem to have par diction, although not pristine. Although he comes from the poorer background, Chris seems to have better diction than Cody. Chris' hopeful but brave diction expresses Chris' attempt to break away from his peers and speak with a form of hierarchy and prestige. His will to learn is again portrayed when Chris is shown putting together a school newsletter all by himself despite his grammar woes. Already being an oddball, Cody's gentle and frank grammar reflects his will to fit in intellectually, but the way he dresses expresses his desire to stand out. Both Chris and Cody have southern accents and because of this they are often mislabled as dumb; however, they each show some level of intellect.

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