Sunday, March 6, 2011


Along with a national competition, comes a lot of stress. Preperation for the competition, sub-competitions, along with the National Competition itself bring about a lot of stress for the young contestants ;however, each contestant deal with the stress in their own ways. Contestants Ashley and Harry each come from similar backgrounds, their parent's aren't rich like Neil, and they both come from modest middle-class families. Ashley wants to win the competiton for the money, to help her family by winning 10,000 dollars, but it doesn't seem to bother her if she doesn't win. Harry is just competing for fun and that shows in his personal interview, he's just out there having fun and the pressure doesn't seem to phase him. The nerves really hit Ashley once the competition starts, where she begins to shake and cry but gets over her nerves soon and pursues the next couple rounds before being eliminated. Harry blows through the first rounds like a breeze, as flawlessly as before. Although both contestants are eliminated, they were both able to fall back onto their supportive families, the people that helped them get to the competition stress-free.

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