Tuesday, March 29, 2011

High School Futures

As high schoolers, a lot of us are just deciding what we would like to do with our lives. Some jobs are more practical than others, but i always enjoy people following their dreams. The student that I relate to the most is the Actress, it's always been a dream of mine to become and Actor, and although I always say I can't critique anyone's acting because I myself am not perfect, I didn't think this actress was very good. I just didn't think she had much motivation, but that's just my opinion. One of the coolest jobs was probably the Marijuana baker. I've never heard of anything so bazaar but I guess that's Cali for you. Although sometimes not practical, I'm glad to see a lot of the jobs are artistic and that people are going to follow their dreams even though they know they might not be wealthy, its nice to see people doing what they love.

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